What Kinds of things can you see?
Heavy Metals, Free Radicals, Blood Clots, Plaque Buildup, Cholesterol, Kidney or Liver Toxicity, Digestion Issues, Colon Toxicity, Inflammation, Parasites and more. You will be able to see your own live blood cells and fluid on a large monitor, while Jeannette explains simply what she sees. After that, you can decide what to do...... rehydrate?, do a specific cleanse? take specific supplements? eat better?
at Taos Food Coop Meeting Room
The cost is $50.00. Due to excessive no-shows in the past, we are asking that you pay a $25.00 deposit upon booking. You may pay via credit card or PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account. The $25.00 balance (cash please) will be due at the appointment. Half Hour appointments are available from Wednesday January 8 through Friday January 8. Additional slots may be available once these fill.
ust click this link to schedule an appointment